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Friday, March 18, 2011

~AwaN nAn0~

Lihat ke arah sana
Serakan warna dan berarakan...awan
Pabila terik-panas
Segera hadirnya memayungi.. diri

Pabila kau dahaga
Sesegera turun hujan melimpahkan... kasehnya
Pabila kau katakan
Akulah awan itu yang kau mahu

Begitulah awan nano
Setia melindungi diri
Tika panas mencuba menggores pipi ...
dan bibirmu

Begitulah awan nano
Sering saja tak terduga hadir
Dan tak akan tercapai... jejarimu

Kaseh tiada banding setia tiada tara
Bagaimanapun jua

Awan kekaseh sebenarmu sayang
Walaupun tak akan tercapai jejarimu... ooooo-ooo

Lihat diriku ini
Yang sesekali pernah kau bagaikan... awan
Sehingga tak mungkin terlupa
berikan belas sedari... dulu

Sehingga tak mungkin termampu saksi
Setitispun air matamu...kasehku
Sehingga kau katakan
Akulah awan itu yang kau rindu

Akulah awanmu yang sedia
Melindungi dirimu tika panas mencuba menggores pipi..
Dan bibirmu

Akulah awanmu yang sering kau rindu
dan tak terduga hadirmu walau tak tercapai... jejarimu

Kaseh tiada banding setia tiada tara
Bagaimanapun jua

Aku pelindung dirimu sayang
walaupun tak akan tercapai jejarimu... oooo-oooo

Begitulah awan nano
Setia melindungi diri tika panas mencuba menggores pipi ...
Dan bibirmu

Begitulah awan nano
Sering saja tak terduga hadir
Dan tak akan tercapai.. jejarimu

Kasih tiada banding setia tiada tara
Bagaimanapun jua

Aku pelindung dirimu sayang
Walaupun tak akan tercapai jejarimu...woooo-woo..

*kurang suka hafiz tp suka sgt lagu ni!!hahahahahhhhh...  ;)

~tHe ReAs0N~

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You

and the reason is You [x3]

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you


ASSALAMUALAIKUMWARAHMATULLAH!! ( talhah kate x yah bg penuh2,,nnti org yg jwb xleh nk jwb lebih2..hahahhahaha :D )

perghhhhhh,,dah lame x update bl0g kannn..thanx pd yg dah ingtkn tu!hakhakhak.. ;)
hurmmmmm..bru habis EXAM plus,,,mlas nk mnghadap laptop....masaku kini klau bleh nk diisi dgn STUDY...giler weyh!!1st tyme tngok format2 krtas soaln tu!!CULTURE  SHOCK beb!!x thu la mcm mne result nnti...yg pnting dah USAHA kann..skg ni tnggal nk TAWAKAL je lah..huhuhhhh.

thanx to my BRO,,sudi ajar adikmu ni yg x brape nk bijak ni kann..dah la tu,,SLOW plak...sbr je lah abg mngajar sy kann..sbr abg,,sbr,,,klau x kene JUAL!!!bhahahahahhhh  :P 
pape p0nnn,,saaaaaaaaaayg abg! thanx taw... ;)

haaaaa..ckp psal tu kann..korg nk thu taaaaaakkkk!ade org dengki+iri hati+pnas mate+ntah pape ntah lg pnyakit diorg ni kannnn..xleh tng0k org senang ea korg ni!?!?!???aq x kacau korg,,,so x prlu kacau n jage tepi kain aq...jage hal sndri kan nk blaja ap ke,,ngn sape ke,,its up to me...d0nt bother b0ut me!!just MIND UR OWNBUSSINESS !!btw,,THANX lah erk sbb sudi ambik berat psl aq,,CARING btul larhh korg niiii,,,TERHARU aq dibuatnyer... :')
lg satu,,,klau tidak berpuas hati dgn sy,,FACE TO FACE lah syg...jgn kcau BARANG sy...thu takkk??sbb kalian2 yg BAIK HATI SGT niiiii,,sy dah HILANG FOKUS utk paper CHEMIST,,ICT n PHYSIC sy...jgn lah begitu,,sy MOHON sgt2 ni....
aq x prnah ad msalah ngn korg taw,,korg je yg SIBUK dok cari point n ksalahan p0n x fhm larhh ngn korg ni!!huhuhhhhhhhhhh
dah dah la erk liputn pasal KORG yg x brhati perut ni,,GLAMOUR trlebih plak korg nnti..hahahahhaahhh.. :D

btw,,RABU ni result SPM kuar!!waaaaaaaa!aq plak yg terasa DEBARAN nyer kann.hakhakhak..beng0ng aq!!hope kak yati n senior2 ku yg len dpt result yg memuaskn,,n setimpal dgn ap yg mereka tlh usahakn...g0od luck guyz!! ;)