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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

najwa latiff


hye peeps! lama tak update blog ni kan.. fuhh fuhhh fuhhhhh! *tiup habuk jap* ! sory lah,,tgh tak sihat ni,,xleh kene habuk..hehehhh. :D

so! my last post was 27th january 2012! itu pon i have write nothing! hahahh..and todayyyyyyyy,,,i really2 takde idea nak tulis apa! *buat muka x bersalah skettt* :D

yeah! just now jae told me that dia ada apply something! guess what!? *krik krikkk,,krik krikkk..* okay fine..let me tell you!  dia apply untuk involve dlm pmbikinan vid clip najwa latiff for "kosong" ,,and he ask me to join him! memang harapan stinggi gunung kinabalu lah kann kalau kau ajak aku join..hahahhaha..but stakat aku teman kau,,aku on je..tringin gak nak jumpa gadis youtube tu..ngehngehngeh.. :D

jappp..i have smthing to tell u,,and i need some opinion or suggestion... aku rasa nak drop subject bio for my SPM and add prinsip account! apa pndapat korg??kalau ada budak2 acc yg baca post ni,,agak2 bleh tak aku catch up subject tu dr form4 punya???hurmmm..sumpah aku tgh confuse ni...HELP ME!


last but not less! i have some info about him! kahkahkah.. aku slaluuuuu sangat tngok bdak2 sofbol training lately..satu je aku xsuka,,diorg ni kuat sgt mncarut dlm padang! please lah guys! sakit telinga aku dgr..and one info i got bout him is,,dia xkan brsuara kcuali nak bola="ball ball ball!" hahahahha..okay,,aku dpat bygkan mcm mana suasana tu wlaupun aku x prnah tngok... :D

ok lah..keyboard aku dah mnjerit jerit , "weh! aku lenguh lah! stop menaip boleh tak?! p tido! "
hahahahah..okay okay okay..i'll stop here..and have a nice day guys! assalamualaikum! :D

#cepat lah sikit demam ni rede,,aku x tahan wehh asyik xleh tido malam! urghhh! amin ya Allah,,amin! :'D